SourceEnergy NASA Tech Applications

1. MAchine learning ESTimations for uRban Operations (MAESTRO)

  • Energy: By improving automation and control in transportation, MAESTRO can contribute to energy savings, particularly in urban environments where optimized movement reduces energy consumption.
  • Technology: Machine learning algorithms and robotics are at the core of MAESTRO, making it a focal point for technological innovation.
  • Community: The technology has implications for improving traffic flow and transportation logistics, affecting community planning and mobility.
  • Education: Training programs focused on machine learning and data analytics can be developed, fostering an educated workforce adept at managing and improving upon such systems.

2. Passive Porous Tube Nutrient Delivery System

  • Energy: As a low-energy farming system, it has implications for energy-efficient agriculture.
  • Technology: Advanced biotechnology and porous materials technology are integral to this system.
  • Community: This technology could be used in community gardens or local agriculture initiatives, improving food security.
  • Education: Education in agrotechnology and sustainable farming methods can be imparted, building community expertise.

3. Multivariate Monitoring for Human Operator and Machine Teaming

  • Energy: The ability to monitor various signals and data can optimize energy usage in several fields.
  • Technology: Advanced sensing technology is critical to this system.
  • Community: Health monitoring can be applied in public places, airports, and hospitals for collective wellness.
  • Education: The technology allows for educational opportunities in data analytics and public health.

4. Upper Body Robotic Exoskeleton

  • Energy: The device itself may require energy to operate, but it can make human activities more efficient, possibly reducing overall energy consumption in industrial settings.
  • Technology: Robotics and biomechanics are key technological areas for this innovation.
  • Community: Community members with physical disabilities can benefit from increased mobility.
  • Education: Educational programs in biomechanics and robotics can be developed.

5. Algorithms for Stabilizing Intelligent Networks

  • Energy: Stable and intelligent networks can reduce energy waste through efficient data transfer and storage solutions.
  • Technology: Advanced algorithms are the technological backbone of this system.
  • Education: Curriculum in advanced algorithms and data structures can be fostered.

6. The Hilbert-Huang Transform Real-Time Data Processing System

  • Energy: Real-time data processing is crucial for energy management systems, where timely decision-making can lead to significant energy savings.
  • Technology: Information technology and real-time data analytics are key technologies.
  • Education: An educational focus on real-time analytics and data processing methodologies can be beneficial.

7. SLE-RCF Software Library

  • Technology: This focuses on information technology and software development.
  • Education: Educational programs in software development and IT management can be created.

8. Superconducting Circuitry Fabrication

  • Energy: Superconducting materials can transmit electricity with minimal losses, enhancing energy efficiency.
  • Technology: Material science and manufacturing technology are essential.
  • Education: Programs focused on material science and electrical engineering can be beneficial.

9. Biometric Subject Verification

  • Technology: Advanced sensor technology and biometrics are key.
  • Community: Application in community safety and verification systems can be considered.
  • Education: Specialized courses in biometrics and security systems can be developed.

10. Biofeedback Training in VR/AR/MR

  • Technology: The technology employs virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality for biofeedback.
  • Community: Mental health support and medical training in the community can benefit.
  • Education: Educational courses in VR/AR/MR technologies, as well as biofeedback techniques, can be developed.

11. Lightweight Hypersonic Thermal Protection Material

  • Energy: The material’s properties may lead to more energy-efficient aerospace designs, reducing fuel consumption.
  • Technology: Advanced materials science is central to the development of these boron nitride nanotube mats.
  • Community: The technology could have civil applications, such as fire-resistant materials for community structures.
  • Education: Research and educational programs in materials science and aerospace engineering could benefit.

12. NASA Langley’s Computational Visual Servo

  • Energy: Smart image enhancement could lead to more energy-efficient visual systems.
  • Technology: Advanced IT and computational methods are central.
  • Education: Opportunities for education in computer vision and information technology.

13. Shape Memory Alloy Art (SMArt)

  • Energy: Shape memory alloys can be used in various applications where energy-efficient movement or actuation is needed.
  • Technology: Metallurgy and electrical engineering are the key technology sectors.
  • Education: Educational programs in material sciences and applied physics can be expanded.

14. High-Efficiency Solar Cell

  • Energy: Direct implications for renewable energy generation through efficient solar cells.
  • Technology: Advanced photovoltaic technology is central.
  • Community: Community-level adoption of renewable energy solutions.
  • Education: Specialized courses in renewable energy technology.

15. Tool for Rapid Identification of TCE in Plants

  • Energy: Energy-efficient ways to detect environmental contamination.
  • Technology: Sensing technology and environmental science are key.
  • Community: Direct application in community health through better environmental monitoring.
  • Education: Environmental science programs can incorporate such technologies for practical learning.

16. Microwave-Based Water Decontamination System

  • Energy: A potential energy-efficient method for water decontamination.
  • Technology: Advanced microwave technology and water purification methods are employed.
  • Community: Critical for community health and wellness through improved water quality.
  • Education: Programs in environmental engineering and public health can benefit.

17. New Capabilities for Robotic Gloves

  • Energy: Improved energy efficiency in actuation mechanisms for robotics.
  • Technology: Robotics and automation technology are key.
  • Education: Robotics and mechanical engineering programs can adopt these technologies.

18. Contaminated Water Treatment

  • Energy: The technology may offer energy-efficient ways to treat water.
  • Technology: Advanced chemical engineering and environmental technology are employed.
  • Community: Direct application in community health through better water quality.
  • Education: Specialized courses in water treatment and public health.

19. Health Monitoring for Complex Systems

  • Energy: Potential for optimizing energy use in complex systems through better health monitoring.
  • Technology: Advanced sensor technology and data analytics are key.
  • Education: Programs in systems engineering and data analytics can be beneficial.

20. Carbon Nanotube Network Sensors

  • Energy: Potential applications in energy-efficient sensing solutions.
  • Technology: Material science and sensor technology are key.
  • Education: Material science and engineering programs can benefit.

21. Enhanced Program Management Tool

  • Energy: Optimization features could potentially reduce the energy footprint of program management activities.
  • Technology: Information technology and software development form the core of this technology.
  • Community: Effective program management can lead to community development projects being completed more efficiently.
  • Education: Curriculum development in project management and IT can benefit greatly from this technology.

22. Battery Charge Equalizer System

  • Energy: Direct implications for more efficient and longer-lasting energy storage systems.
  • Technology: Electrical engineering and energy storage technologies are fundamental.
  • Community: Community-scale renewable energy storage solutions could benefit.
  • Education: Programs in electrical engineering and renewable energy systems can be enriched.

23. Digital Synthesized Antenna

  • Energy: Potentially more energy-efficient communication systems.
  • Technology: Communication technology and signal processing are essential.
  • Community: Enhanced communication systems can serve community-level applications.
  • Education: Specialized courses in communications engineering can benefit.

24. Otoacoustic Protection In Biologically-Inspired Systems

  • Energy: The technology might offer energy-efficient systems for auditory protections.
  • Technology: Biotechnology, audiology, and software engineering intersect here.
  • Community: Community health initiatives could benefit from improved hearing protection systems.
  • Education: Biomedical engineering and audiology courses could benefit.

25. MSC-24466-1, MSC-24509-1 Battery Management System

  • Energy: Crucial for optimizing battery performance, thus affecting energy storage and efficiency.
  • Technology: Battery technology and electrical engineering form the basis.
  • Community: Affects community-level energy storage solutions.
  • Education: Educational programs in electrical engineering and energy systems can be enhanced.

26. Model-Based Prognostics For Batteries

  • Energy: Improved battery lifespan and performance can contribute to energy efficiency.
  • Technology: Data analytics, battery technology, and predictive maintenance are key.
  • Education: Courses in predictive analytics and energy systems can benefit.

27. Inductive Power Transfer/Wireless Power Inverter

  • Energy: Direct implications for more efficient wireless power transfer systems.
  • Technology: Electrical engineering and wireless technologies are key.
  • Community: Community infrastructure could adopt such wireless power solutions.
  • Education: Programs in electrical engineering and wireless technologies can be enriched.

28. Skyrouter – Continuous Fixed-Point LEO Satellite Data Capture

  • Energy: Advanced data capture methods might optimize energy usage in satellite systems.
  • Technology: Satellite technology, data science, and telecommunications are fundamental.
  • Education: Curriculum development in aerospace engineering and data science.

29. Filtering Water With Acoustic Nanotube Technology

  • Energy: Acoustic methods may offer energy-efficient water purification.
  • Technology: Nanotechnology and water purification technologies intersect here.
  • Community: Significant implications for community health through clean water.
  • Education: Courses in environmental science and nanotechnology can be enriched.

30. Circuit for Communication over Power Lines

  • Energy: Optimizes the existing power lines for data transmission, thus potentially saving energy.
  • Technology: Electrical engineering and communications technology are key.
  • Education: Electrical and communications engineering programs can benefit.

31. Secure Optical Quantum Communications

  • Energy: Quantum communications could be more energy-efficient than classical methods.
  • Technology: This would be a vanguard in the field of quantum technologies and cybersecurity.
  • Community: Security implications for community-level data networks.
  • Education: Quantum computing and cybersecurity courses can be fundamentally enriched.

32. Game and Sim Control – Mod through user physiological state

  • Energy: Potential for more energy-efficient gaming systems.
  • Technology: Gaming technology, biometrics, and user interface design intersect here.
  • Community: Applications in community entertainment centers or education programs.
  • Education: Computer science and biometric engineering programs can benefit.

33. Photogrammetric Method for Calc six degrees of freedom

  • Energy: Potential for energy optimization in various sensing and control applications.
  • Technology: Advanced computation and imaging technologies are key.
  • Community: Civic planning and construction could benefit.
  • Education: Programs in civil engineering and computational methods could be enriched.

34. Simulator System

  • Energy: Simulator systems can optimize energy use in various applications.
  • Technology: Computer engineering and virtual reality technologies are central.
  • Community: Training and educational programs for community members.
  • Education: Simulation technology can be incorporated into various academic programs.

35. SMART Solar Sail

  • Energy: A pioneering approach to energy-efficient propulsion systems.
  • Technology: Advanced materials and propulsion technologies are essential.
  • Community: Could be part of community educational programs on space and technology.
  • Education: Programs in aerospace engineering could gain tremendously.

36. Photovoltaic Lithium-Ion Battery

  • Energy: Direct implications for energy-efficient storage and generation.
  • Technology: Photovoltaic technology and battery technologies merge here.
  • Community: Could revolutionize community-level energy solutions.
  • Education: Programs in energy technologies and sustainable solutions can be enriched.

37. Cryogenic Flux Capacitor

  • Energy: Potential for energy storage at extremely low temperatures.
  • Technology: Advanced materials and cryogenic technologies are crucial.
  • Community: Potential applications in medical storage or other specialized community services.
  • Education: Programs in materials science and cryogenics could benefit.

38. Precision Low-Speed Motor Controller

  • Energy: Energy-efficient motor control has direct implications for saving power.
  • Technology: Electrical engineering and automation are key.
  • Community: Could impact community-based automation and control systems.
  • Education: Electrical engineering and automation courses can be enhanced.

39. Additive Manufacturing – Infrared inspection

  • Energy: Energy optimization in the manufacturing process.
  • Technology: Advanced manufacturing and material inspection methods are essential.
  • Community: Industrial communities could greatly benefit.
  • Education: Programs in manufacturing engineering and material sciences can be enriched.

40. Hydrophobic Self-Cleaning Materials

  • Energy: Energy savings in cleaning and maintenance.
  • Technology: Material science and chemical engineering are central.
  • Community: Public spaces and community facilities could benefit.
  • Education: Material science and public policy courses can be enriched.

41. Carbon Nanotube Tower-Based Supercapacitor

  • Energy: Advanced energy storage solutions.
  • Technology: Nanotechnology and electrical engineering intersect here.
  • Community: Community-level energy storage solutions could be transformed.
  • Education: Programs in nanotechnology and energy systems could benefit.

42. Conductive Polymer/Methods for Making Carbon nanotube structural composites

  • Energy: Materials that are energy-efficient and versatile.
  • Technology: Material sciences, nanotechnology, and chemical engineering are key.
  • Community: Could find applications in community construction projects.
  • Education: Programs in material sciences and chemical engineering can be enriched.